Congratulations Ana for good job on your Thesis proposal! (October, 2024)
Italo's paper is out! (October, 2024)
The lab is sad to see visiting graduate student Rosa Maria Mendez go back to finish her PhD in Brazil (September, 2024)
Rosie was appointed to the Pulmonology T32 (October, 2024)
Rosie did a great job on her Thesis proposal! (September, 2024)
Matt's paper is out! (September, 2024)
Nicole was appointed to the Infectious Disease / Basic Microbial Pathogenic Mechanisms T32 (July, 2024)
Yanling was selected as the 2024-2025 Alexander & Gertrude Berg Fellow! Congratulations Yanling! (July, 2024)
Carolina was interviewed for an article on the Social Lives of Viruses that was published by Quanta Magazine and WIRED! (April /May / 2024) see the article here.
Musa and Sydney's paper is out! (April, 2024)
Xiao's paper is out! (March, 2024)
The lab welcomes undergrad Perla Giles (January, 2024)
Congratulations Ana for passing your QE! (November, 2023)
The lab welcomes visiting graduate student Rosa Maria Mendez from Brazil (September, 2023)
Emna's and Lavinia's papers are officially accepted! Congrats to them and all others involved for the hard work! (October, 2023)
Congratulations Dr. Gonzalez-Aparicio! Wonderful Thesis Defense and Beautiful work! (August, 2023)
Congratulations to Daniela that got accepted into the Markey Pathway Program at WashU! (May, 2023)
The LopezLab welcomes three new members this month! Drs, Xiao Li and Heng-Wei Lee and MS Abdulafiz Musa! (May, 2023)
Congratulations Sebastien for your new job in BioNtech! We are sad to see you go and very excited for your new life in Germany! (April, 2023)
The lab welcomes our first MD / PhD student to the lab Rosie Reilly (February, 2023)
Carolina was named Theodore and Bertha Bryan Professor of Environmental Medicine (January, 2023)
Carolina was named American Society for Microbiology Distinguish Lecturer (ASMDL) (December, 2022)
Daniela is now a PhD candidate! Congratulations on passing your QE Daniela! (December, 2022)
Congratulations to Sebastien, Emna and Sydney for paper accepted! (September, 2022)
Welcome Yuchen to the Lab! Yuchen is an undergrad student that will work with Munya (September, 2022)
We welcome Daniela Vidal as our newest grad student in the lab! (May, 2022)
SB is a winner on the Biotech Industry Innovators Pitch Competition! Congrats SB!! (May, 2022)
Congratulations to Lavinia for being awarded a Pulmonology T32 appointment! (May, 2022)
Carolina was elected member of the American Academy of Microbiology! Congrats to all past and present lab members as this recognition is due to their hard work (February, 2022)
The López Lab welcome SB Pye as our newest Grad student! SB funded by a NSF-GRFP Fellowship (May, 2021)
Nicole has officially become a PhD candidate! Congratulations in passing your prelims Nicole! (November, 2021)
The López Lab welcome its two newest members: Drs Yanling Yang and Victoria Gnazzo (November, 2021)
HUGE congratulations to Munya for his Helen Hay Whitney postdoctoral fellowship! We are very proud of you Munya! (November, 2021)
We welcome Pat Wang to the lab! Our first WashU undergrad. Hopefully the first of many (September, 2021)
Sebastien and Yan's paper was featured and discussed in episode 750 of TWIV. Listen to it here (May, 2021)
We welcome Nicole Rivera-Espinal to the LopezLab. She is our first WashU PhD student (MMMP program). Nicole is funded by a NSF-GRFP Fellowship (May, 2021)
Carolina was awarded the Achievement in Graduate Education Award from the Mount Sinai Alumni Association. Many thanks to Jacob Yount for the nomination! (February, 2021)
Sebastien and Yan's paper was accepted in Nature Microbiology! Very excited to share this 7 year-long investigation into the impact of defective viral genomes in the clinical outcome of RSV infections (February, 2021)
Sebastien is a dad! Welcome to her beautiful daughter to the Lopezlab family! (January, 2021)
Carolina is now a Section Editor for PLoS Pathogens (October, 2020)
Congratulations to Devin Fisher, now Dr. Fisher for a fantastic defense of her PhD Thesis in the lab! (October, 2020)
The LopezLab is excited to welcome all new members joining us in St. Louis! (September, 2020)
Emmanuelle's last paper from the lab was accepted in mBio! Beautiful effort to understand what are the key initial events driving the packaging of SeV particles. We have to thank the multiple collaborators that contributed with their tools, expertise and time. See the preprint here.
Carolina is now a Section Editor for The Journal of Immunology (July, 2020)
During the pandemics the Lopez Lab's been busy working on the sidelines by reviewing various papers and communicating science to the public. Thanks to Devin for participating in Penn's public Health outreach! Carolina has also participated on a few science communication efforts during this time. See the videos here (Caminos en Ciencia_en español), here (WHYY/NPR), and here (WSJ video). (May 2020)
Congratulations to Emmanuelle Genoyer for officially becoming Dr. Genoyer on April 24th. Emmanuelle did a fantastic job in her Zoom Thesis defense presentation and throughout her training. We look very much forward to her future career. (April 2020)
The lab closed its doors on March 17th in response to the coronavirus crisis. Not sure when will we back yet. (March 2020)
The last paper of our collaborator Sid Balachandran came out live in Cell. Our contribution in Figure 2. See it here. (March 2020)
Geyon and Alex's manuscript is now published in The American Journal of Pathology. Check it out here. (March, 2020)
A HUGE congrats to Yan Sun for signing her Assistant Professor Offer letter at the University of Rochester! Looking forward to the great work coming from the Sun Lab. (Jan. 2020)
Congrats to Emmanuelle for signing her "contract" with Michael Gale's lab for a postdoc starting in the summer of 2020! (Nov, 2019)
Geyon and Alex's manuscript was accepted in The American Journal of Pathology. Very proud of them! (Nov, 2019)
Carolina was named a BJC Investigator at Washington University School of Medicine. This is an honor and a manifestation of the great work of all LopezLab members through the years. Once again, thank you all. See Press release here (Nov. 2019)
The Lopez Lab welcomes Penn Vagelos undergrad Katherine Novak that will be working with Emmanuelle through the year (September, 2019).
Best of luck to undergraduate Edwin Ovalle (Temple University) that did a fantastic job during the summer under Yan's supervision (August, 2019).
Congratulations to graduate student Lavinia Gonzalez for passing her prelims! (May, 2019).
We welcome Dr. Saori Suzuki as our newest postdoc. Saori did her PhD at Kyoto University and then worked as an Special Contract Assistant professor at Shiga University of Medical Sciences in Japan before joining our group (May 2019).
Yan's paper showing that signal sequences in the viral genome facilitate DVG generation is out in PLoS Pathogens. (April, 2019)
Carolina's Research Matters article is out in PloS Pathogens. Read a short story of how the lab started here. (January, 2019)
Lopez Lab tech Alex was accepted into medical school! super excited for him (January 2019).
Carolina was cited in Penn News as a participant in Caminos en Ciencia, a podcast created by Penn students that divulges the stories of Latin American scientists that have succeeded in the US. See the story here. (December, 2018)
Emmanuelle just got her first paper accepted in the Journal of Virology. Congratulations for a beautiful piece of work! (November, 2018)
Congratulations to Geyon Lee Garcia por his acceptance to an MD/PhD program! Very proud of you! (November, 2018)
Research Associate Yan Sun just had a baby girl! Many blessings for both mom and daughter. (November, 2018)
Carolina just started her Sabbatical at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. She'll spend 6 months learning about virus evolution and mathematical modeling in the Vignuzzi's lab (November, 2018).
Past grad student and Lopez Lab founder Won-Keun Kim is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology at Hallym University, Korea. Congratulations Won! (September, 2018)
We welcome our newest grad student Lavinia Gonzalez to the lab! (June, 2018)
Tomaz's review on DVGs in immunity and virus persistence is out in Future Virology (June, 2018)
Devin's paper is out in Vaccine! (June, 2018)
Excited to hear that former undergrad student Lauren Chun is going to UCSD to study medicine! (May, 2018)
Carolina was awarded a Fulbright US Scholar award to spend a sabbatical at Pasteur in Paris. (January 2018)
We are very excited for the future of Jie that is leaving us for a fantastic industry/academia joint position in China. (September, 2017)
Congratulations to our newest postdoc Sebastien for been awarded a position in the Penn Virology Training Grant (August, 2017)
A super busy summer has officially come to an end. We thank our summer students Ali Sanz, Gregorio Benitez, Ker-Cheng Chen, and David Yang for their hard work! (August, 2017)
We welcome grad student Tomaz Manzoni to the LopezLab! (June, 2017)
We welcome our newest postdoc, Dr. Sebastien Felt, to the LopezLab! (June, 2017)
@CBLPHL: Turmoil of feelings after a lovely farewell for a dear lab member. Best of luck Alex! looking forward to hear about your future successes! (June, 2017)
The Lopez Lab is happy to welcome our summer students Gregorio Benitez (Brown, UPenn SUIP program), David Yang (UPenn, SAS), and Ali Sanz (Penn Vet)! (June, 2017)
Carolina was elected member of The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Program Committee. (May, 2017)
Carolina was elected member of the American Society for Microbiology ASM Council on Microbial Sciences. (May 2017)
Congratulations to our graduate student Devin Fisher for passing her prelims! (May, 2017)
Emmanuelle represented the lab brilliantly in the GRC Viruses and Cells in Italy! Great talk and many good comments afterwards (May, 2017)
Carolina was awarded a Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research Grant from the Penn’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) and the Provost’s Office in recognition of her sustained commitment to mentoring undergraduates doing research. (March, 2017)
We are very happy for our undergrad student Geyon Lee Garcia (from Temple) that will be joining the Penn-PREP program next year. (March, 2017)
Carolina is now a Penn Fellow! This is a selective program from Provost office that provides leadership development to select Penn faculty in mid-career. (January, 2017)
We welcome undergrad student Ker-Cheng Chen to the LopezLab (January, 2017)
We thank our fall rotation students Sangya, Andrew, and Tomaz for great rotations and the new data that they generated! Sad to see you go...(Dec, 2016)
Our review on the innate immune response to RSV is out in Vaccine! (Sept, 2016)
We welcome Geyon Lee Garcia, a Temple University Undergrad, as a MARC-USTAR Scholar in our lab (Aug, 2016)
Congratulations to Emmanuelle for passing her prelims with flying colors! (May, 2016)
We are very happy that our Penn-PORT postdoc Jennifer Grier got the job she wanted! (May, 2016)
We welcome Devin Fisher to the lab as a grad student. (May, 2016)
We are very proud of Lauren Chun, one of our graduating undergrads that was awarded the Joseph Leidy Award for Research Achievement! Way to go Lauren! (May, 2016)
CONGRATULATIONS to our student Emmanuelle Genoyer for receiving the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! (April, 2016)
Jia's protocol paper is out! Do you want to know how to prepare influenza virus stocks free of defective viral particles?...go here.
Latest publication by López Lab members was featured in the January issue of the Penn Vet Research Newsletter. See the article here.
GREAT news from our undergraduates moving on to the next step in 2016: Derek Standlee is going to Tufts University for Vet School and Lauren Chun is going to work as Research Specialist A at UCSF!
We welcome Christiana Shaw to the lab! Chris is a Freshman Undergrad ready for a research adventure.
Best of luck for Jia that left us to go back and finish her PhD in China. We'll miss her!
Jie's paper on the description of the molecular motif that makes SeV DVGs a potent stimulatory molecule was accepted in mBio!
For a press release on our DVG in RSV paper click here.
Yan's paper was accepted in PLOS Pathogens!...Congratulations Yan!
Latest publication by López Lab members was featured in the July issue of the Penn Vet Research Newsletter. See the article here.
We welcome Emmanuelle Genoyer as our first Penn Grad student in the lab! (June, 2015).
Congrats to our newest undergrad Lauren Chun for her Spring 2015 Pincus-Magaziner Family Undergraduate Research and Travel Fund from the College Alumni Society in the amount of $1000.
Congratulations to Jie for her travel award to the AAI meeting in May, 2015!
GREAT news from our undergraduates moving on to the next step in 2015: Emily is staying in UPenn for Vet school, Lakshmi is going to Rutgers for her PhD, and Cristhian Cadena is going to Harvard for his PhD. Best of luck to all of you, and stay in touch!
Dr. López was a keynote speaker at the annual Nexos Chile-USA meeting. See a highlight of the meeting here.
Jennifer Grier won second place for her Poster in the Immunology Retreat!
Congratulations to Jie Xu that is now funded by the AAI! See the announcement here.
We thank Deepika Jain for all her help in the lab and wish her best of luck in her future endeavors.
Dr. López was interviewed by Nexos Chile-USA about being a woman in science. Read the interview here (in Spanish).
Latest publications by the López Lab were featured in the April issue of the Penn Vet Research Newsletter. See the article here.
Carolina López was awarded an AAI Junior Faculty Travel Grant, IMMUNOLOGY 2014TM.
Latest publications by the López Lab were featured in the January issue of the Penn Vet Research Newsletter. See the article here.
Won's paper was accepted! January, 2014.
We welcome Jennifer Grier PhD, Jia Xue, and Jie Xu PhD to our laboratory!
Xiomara's paper was accepted in Vaccine!
Karla and Won's paper has been accepted in PLoS Pathogens!
Best wishes to Xiomara Mercado-Lopez and Won-keun Kim that went back to their respective countries to continue their careers! August, 2013.
Dr. López was awarded the Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence. See article here.
CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Won-keun Kim! for his graduation from MSSM on June, 2013.
Good luck to Karla Tapia that went back to Chile! and welcome to Yan Sun that joins us as a postdoctoral researcher, January, 2013
Kudos to Cristhian Cadena, our summer SIUP student that won an award for his poster presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students!
Congratulations to Xiomara Mercado-López Ph.D. and Deepika Jain Ph.D. for winning prizes for their posters at the Vet School Annual Faculty Retreat!, 2012
Dr. López was one of 15 young scientists selected to participate in the closed door Herrenhausen Symposium on Viral Pathogenesis, Seeon, Germany, June 4-7, 2012, organized by Nature Medicine.
Congratulations to Won-keun Kim for submitting his first manuscript!
We welcome Dr. Susan Weiss that has joined the lab for a Sabbatical.
The López Lab was featured in the October issue of the Penn Vet Research Newsletter. See the article here.
Xiomara Mercado-López was awarded a Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health- Related Research Programs, NIH. June, 2011.
Won-keun Kim was awarded an AAI Trainee Travel award, AAI, IMMUNOLOGY 2011TM.
Carolina López was awarded an AAI Junior Faculty Travel Grant, IMMUNOLOGY 2011TM.