Natasha A, Pye SB, Park K, Rajoriya S, Yand I, Oh Y, López CB, Song JW and Kim WK (2024) Detection and Characterization of Langya virus in Crocidura lasiura, Republic of Korea, [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.12.02.626520v2] Submitted.
Jackson-Litteken CD, Di Venanzio G, Janet-Maitre M, Castro IA, Mackel JJ, Rosen DA, López CB and Feldman MF (2024). A chronic murine model of pulmonary Acinetobacter baumannii infection enabling the investigation of late virulence factors, long-term antibiotic treatments, and polymicrobial infections [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.09.17.613469]. Submitted.
Yang Y, Wang Y, Campbell D, Lee HW, Beatty W, Wang L, Baldridge M and López CB (2024) SLC35A2 modulates paramyxovirus fusion events during infection. [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.08.27.609835]. Submitted.
Gnazzo V, Saleh H, Castro I, Boon AJ, Brien J and López CB (2024) DDO-adjuvanted influenza A virus nucleoprotein mRNA vaccine induces robust humoral and cellular type 1 immune responses and protects mice from challenge [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.10.27.620508v1]. mBio, 10.1128/mbio.03589-24. PMID: 39692514.
Natasha A, Pye SB, Cho SH, Pangestu HS, Park K, Prayitno SP, Lee JS, Kim J, Budathroki S, Song JW, López CB, J Suh JG and Kim WK. (2024) Molecular Detection and Genomic Characterization of Samak Micromys Paramyxovirus-1 and -2 in Micromys minutus, Republic of Korea. Virology Journal.
Castro IA, Yang Y, Gnazzo V, Kim DH, Van Dyken SJ and López CB (2024) Murine Parainfluenza Virus Persists in Lung Innate Immune Cells Sustaining Chronic Lung Pathology. [preprint: bioRxiv 2023.11.07.566103] Nature Microbiology, .
Hackbart MS and López CB. (2024) S RNA Intergenic Deletions Drive Viral Interference during Arenavirus Infections. [preprint: bioRxiv 2023.10.31.564889] mBio, 10.1128/mbio.01612-24
Musa AO*, Faber SR*, Forrest K, Smith KP, Sengupta S and López CB (2024) Identification of distinct genotypes in circulating RSV A strains based on variants on the virus replication-associated genes. [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.04.22.5590570v2] Journal of Virology, doi: 10.1128/jvi.00990-24.
*authors contributed equallyGonzalez-Aparicio, LJ. and López CB (2024)(Review). Selection of non-standard viral genomes during the evolution of RNA viruses: A virus survival strategy or a pesky inconvenience? Advances in Virus Research. Vol. 119.
Li X, Yang Y, López CB (2024) Indiscriminate activities of different Henipavirus polymerase complex proteins allow for efficient minigenome replication in hybrid systems. [preprint: bioRxiv 2024.03.18.585482] Journal of Virology, DOI:
Gonzalez-Aparicio LJ, Yang Y, Hackbart MS, and López CB (2023).Copy-back viral genomes induce a cellular stress response that interferes with viral protein expression without affecting antiviral immunity. [preprint: bioRxiv 2023.05.17.541157] PLoS Biology, Nov 20;21(11):e3002381.
Achouri E, Felt SA, Hackbart MS, Rivera-Espinal NS and López CB. (2023) VODKA2: A fast and accurate method to detect non-standard viral genomes from large RNA-seq datasets [preprint: bioRxiv 2023.05.17.541157]. RNA, Oct 27:rna.079747.123. doi: 10.1261/rna.079747.123.
Fisher DG, Gazzo V, Holthausen D and López CB. (2022) Non-standard viral genome-derived RNA activates TLR3 and type I IFN signaling to induce cDC1-dependent CD8+ T-cell responses during vaccination in mice. [preprint: bioRxiv 2022.06.09.495494v1]. Vaccine 40: 7270-7279.